Disorganized data is not accessible data.
While analyzing New York City’s 311 data, I found significant data consistency and integrity issues: records closed before the date they were marked open, columns that give conflicting information on whether a record is active or inactive, irreconcilable processing times and resolution processes (ex. a column that claims an in-person inspection was scheduled and executed all within the few seconds that a quickly closed complaint was open).
These types of administrative issues are unfortunately common in government data.
In addition to making rigorous analyses time intensive, these types of challenges can contribute to inefficiencies within government departments themselves. For example, in my analysis of housing-related 311 complaints, I found that it takes the HPD department a month to respond to some 311 requests. Having better data systems to track claims through their life cycle of follow-ups, inspections, and court orders can help improve this. In this project, I design a SQL database that could help the 311 department organize their resolution process from the moment a complaint is generated via the 311 hotline to the moment it is closed.
Normalized Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for NYC’s 311 department to systematically triage and process 311 complaints